...and a happy new year!

Assalamualaikum wth. and salam sejahtera. Bismillah....dah sampai 2015 kita ye...blog dah kusam dan bersawang. Apakan daya... 2014 was a challenging year for many of us, we've lost MH370, MH17 hit and crashed, floods, QZ8501... banyaknya Allah duga kita. 2015 is also expected to be a challenging year...2015 what to expect? 2015 will see the start of mega bank merger in Malaysia, 2015 will see Malaysia finally implement GST with weak economic backdrop, 2015 hottest economic issues will be falling of ringgit, oil, inflation, rising household debt, 2015 will see the return of El Nino...AWB confirmed 70% probabilities of El Nino emerging by February in Pacific Ocean.....bla bla bla... phewww...harap2 ramalan tak la tepat ye. Apa jua pun yg berlaku adalah kehendak Allah swt. Kun Fayakun... So we ended up 2014 dengan penuh redha... On Xmas eve kami bergegas ke Perak umah MIL, affected ngan banjir. Tak pernah2 aku kawin dah 14 years umah MIL naik air dr sungai Perak. So ka...