A fairy tale...

It was 10 at night and my belly was roaring and grumbling, longing for food. I tiptoed down the stairs to my old dining table and oh yes.. there you were, the left-over of McD's french fries and one piece of spicy fried chicken. As piece by piece of the french fries disappeared into my mouth, I gave a deep thought of love, life and inspiration (macam P.Ramlee the musical pulak). Without realising of how much calo n cole burgeoning in my stomach and bloodstream, i kept munching and lost, deep in my thoughts. And how long was Ammar been sitting right beside me, I didn't realised - enjoying the same food that I was consuming. Ammar! Dah pukul baper ni?? Esok nak sekolah, ada assembly! Yeah right, like he knew and paid any attention! So both of us enjoyed the food and lost in our own dreams... Life is not like a fairy tale after all. And if it was, it's gonna be a 'fairy tale yang terluka'... Sometimes life is so cruel and unfair, some people got money, bunch of money b...