Just a thought
Just a thought...
Alangkah ruginya saya sekiranya mengikut saranan seorang OnG, a specialist, with a decades of practice as OnG, lulusan dr sebuah Uni berprestij dr Dublin, Ireland utk menggugurkan kandungan se awal usia 7 minggu...
I remember it was a Wednesday morning. I ran a pegnancy test on my own and it was positive. I was delighted but did not want to be overexcited. So we went to see doc Y at one of the private clinic/hospital bersalin for confirmation. She was the same OG when I was pregnant with Ammar, 10 yrs ago. So I told her everything, including the part where I took some prescription, claimed by her that was not supposed to be taken by pregnant woman. She was mad at me - yelah, like I knew I was pregnant while taking that particular prescription! So she did a scan to the fetus. She said it was not in a good shape, not normal for 7 weeks fetus. I remember she said, "Jumaat ni dtg cuci! Tgk gambar baby you ni, tak normal shape dia!". I said nothing more. Then she added, "If I were you, I cuci, you already have a special kid, can you coupe with another one? Your baby could be cacat, down, atau ada heart problem! I don't think you can coupe with that!" . I felt like someone has slapped me hard on my face. There was a long silence in the room. I could only imagine the 'abortion' process that I knew I could not bare to go thru. Dlm hati saya merelakan apa pun keadaan baby saya, saya terima, but to terminate the pregnancy...
I held back the tears along the way home. I did not want my husband and my son to see me crying. Tp sampai di rumah airmata tak tertahankan,I cried my heart out until my pillow was wet with tears. After so many years of prayers, suddenly God answered it, but then... Luckily I have a husband with positive attitudes. I knew he was frustrated too, but he managed to hide his feeling from me. So he suggested for 2nd opinion, off to KJMC we went to see OnG Dr Fatima Najla. Her words were so soothing and comforting, saying that there was nothing wrong with the image of the fetus. She said why should I terminate the pregnancy? Berdosa! One good news led to another and the baby grew just fine inside my womb. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. It was like a miracle to me, Dia yang Pengasih telah makbulkan doa saya.
Betapa kesalnya saya dgn Dr Y yg barangkali lupa kuasanya tuhan. Bg saya beliau spt tlh menjatuhkan hukuman sblm terbuktinya satu kesalahan. My baby proves her wrong.
Saya tahu tiada manusia pun yang sempurna di dunia ini, begitu juga baby saya. So far dia sihat walafiat, tiada cacat cela pun bg saya. I remember the first time when the midwives held the baby to me, and I saw her 2 tiny feet, I thought she was the most perfect baby in the world! Pun saya sedar harta, suami dan anak2 hanya pinjaman, saya ttp bersyukur seadanya.

ALEESYA NAJLA SOPHIA - no matter what the future might held - be you normal or special like your brother - you are one perfect baby for Ummi, Ayah and Abang Ammar. Terimakasih ya Allah atas kurniaan ini!
Alangkah ruginya saya sekiranya mengikut saranan seorang OnG, a specialist, with a decades of practice as OnG, lulusan dr sebuah Uni berprestij dr Dublin, Ireland utk menggugurkan kandungan se awal usia 7 minggu...
I remember it was a Wednesday morning. I ran a pegnancy test on my own and it was positive. I was delighted but did not want to be overexcited. So we went to see doc Y at one of the private clinic/hospital bersalin for confirmation. She was the same OG when I was pregnant with Ammar, 10 yrs ago. So I told her everything, including the part where I took some prescription, claimed by her that was not supposed to be taken by pregnant woman. She was mad at me - yelah, like I knew I was pregnant while taking that particular prescription! So she did a scan to the fetus. She said it was not in a good shape, not normal for 7 weeks fetus. I remember she said, "Jumaat ni dtg cuci! Tgk gambar baby you ni, tak normal shape dia!". I said nothing more. Then she added, "If I were you, I cuci, you already have a special kid, can you coupe with another one? Your baby could be cacat, down, atau ada heart problem! I don't think you can coupe with that!" . I felt like someone has slapped me hard on my face. There was a long silence in the room. I could only imagine the 'abortion' process that I knew I could not bare to go thru. Dlm hati saya merelakan apa pun keadaan baby saya, saya terima, but to terminate the pregnancy...
I held back the tears along the way home. I did not want my husband and my son to see me crying. Tp sampai di rumah airmata tak tertahankan,I cried my heart out until my pillow was wet with tears. After so many years of prayers, suddenly God answered it, but then... Luckily I have a husband with positive attitudes. I knew he was frustrated too, but he managed to hide his feeling from me. So he suggested for 2nd opinion, off to KJMC we went to see OnG Dr Fatima Najla. Her words were so soothing and comforting, saying that there was nothing wrong with the image of the fetus. She said why should I terminate the pregnancy? Berdosa! One good news led to another and the baby grew just fine inside my womb. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. It was like a miracle to me, Dia yang Pengasih telah makbulkan doa saya.
Betapa kesalnya saya dgn Dr Y yg barangkali lupa kuasanya tuhan. Bg saya beliau spt tlh menjatuhkan hukuman sblm terbuktinya satu kesalahan. My baby proves her wrong.
Saya tahu tiada manusia pun yang sempurna di dunia ini, begitu juga baby saya. So far dia sihat walafiat, tiada cacat cela pun bg saya. I remember the first time when the midwives held the baby to me, and I saw her 2 tiny feet, I thought she was the most perfect baby in the world! Pun saya sedar harta, suami dan anak2 hanya pinjaman, saya ttp bersyukur seadanya.

ALEESYA NAJLA SOPHIA - no matter what the future might held - be you normal or special like your brother - you are one perfect baby for Ummi, Ayah and Abang Ammar. Terimakasih ya Allah atas kurniaan ini!
insyaAllah, things will be fine ;) congrats!!
Ironically, some doctors failed to believe in the power of God. They also fail to believe in the existence of kun fayakun.
Insyallah, ur darling angel will grow up to be a heathy bouncy girl :)
I am touched by your ntry. Nyway, You've made a right move. Congrats again and selamat melayan yr new baby girl!!
InsyaAllah, amin, tq ya!
Jeet dear,
Tq Jeet, itulah, kita kena selalu ingat kuasanya tuhan, sbb Dialah Maha Penentu segalanya.Nti ada masa akak singgah umah Jeet, dah lama tak blogwalking, takde masa sekrang nih.
Madam Maya dearie,
Absolutely agree with you, heran camnalah sesetengah practitioner ni ada pendapat dan mazhab lain2...thanx for yr doa, kita aminkan aje, dah lama tak singgah umah you, dah miss byk entry, nti ada masa kita singgah...
Dear Art lover,
tq sudi lagi singgah sini, will give a ziarah at rumah akak bila ada kelapangan, tq, kadangkala kita kena ikut gerak hatikan, yelah, sekrang kita bz melayan baby, kengkadang dia saja buat ragam tu, kengkadang klu dpt tido punyalah lama hee...
Alahai kiutnye si kenit itu! Lepas ni ikut vouge macam Ummi dia la :D
Pun lama tak menyinggah umah awok, tak dan nak blogwalking, kejap2 bb dah berteriak hahaha...tq, huh nti ler beso sket buleh le nk vogue heee...
Dear Dilla,
How are you dear? Jadik ke bersalin 24/5 tu? Huih..kau tau, aku rasa 10 kali aku riau le klu aku ikut kata doc Y tu, tq dear.. semoga kau selamat bersalin normal, bsalin ikut tingkap ni sgt tak best dow!
My dear Fasha,
Hello again! Been wondering where have you been? miss your latest entry, klu you ada umah baru, war2 le kt kita eh..
anyway, tq for yr well wishes, ye ke cam nama superstar? tehehe...(lupa nama anak Era Fazira sama lak), anyway, harap semua baik2 aje nun di Jerman sana, esp. si D n Noah, miss their story lah!
Alhamdulillah. Nama si comel similar dengan nama 2nd gynae tu.
Sori Yong, aku jenis tak reti nak keluarkan kata-kata hikmat tapi yang pasti aku happy bila ko pun happy.
Betuilah, aku mmg amik nama doc tu letak kt tgh, dah jadi panjang berjela lak nama bbku itu hee...
tq, aku pun dah lama tak nyinggah umah ko... Aleesya sekapal ngan Adiq kot, mata sepet, aku rasa sbb musim K-Pop sekarang ni kot tehehe...
And glad baby doing well.
We always have to have hope and be positive.
Life will always have its hiccups, but nothing is impossible today.
You keep well, keep a song in your heart and have a nice day.
tq dear...you also take care, good luck in yr study dear!
Uncle Lee,
tq yaa.. I always like the way you write your words...mcm sasterawan lah!