Hello 2012


I, welcome 2012 with open heart.
I, have nottin' much on the resolutions, just want to keep fit, happy with my loved ones, with series of dreams that hope to be fulfilled.
And, with doa's to live my life in His Blessings, may Allah guide us all to the right path.

Hope it's not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year, it's a Dragon Year uols, signifying success and happiness.  May 2012 bring great good luck to everyone, insyaAllah! 


Maya Marisa said…
Happy New Year Yong!
Same here, no reso this year...cos i dah niat new reso time Awal Muharram ari tu. InsyaAllah nnti i share my reso yea. Time Maulud Nabi nanti ker...errkkk.. lama nya u kena tunggu i nak story mory abt my resolution.
Normi Ali said…
salam yong, selamat tahun baru gak utk yong, saya dah boleh reply comment dah....hoyehhhhh!!!!
~jeet~ said…
salam...resolution is so 90's....hahahaha...

-kata orang yang tak beresolusi.. ;)

selamat tahun baru 2012, ;p
Kongkang Malaya said…
Selamat tahun baru Yong!
Reso saya tahun ni tak mo ckp byk. Sekian. Hehe!
Yong Kamariah said…
Dear Hot Mommy Maya,
aiseyyy tulah pasalnya, kita ni tiap2 tahun klu ada reso tu ajeeeeeeelah tak pernah nak mencapai KRAnya, so tahun ni ikut jelah where the fate take kita to... auwwmakkk, lamanya nak tunggu story pasal reso you tu yek Maya, anyway, kita doakan yang terbaik je yek Maya yek.

Cik Puan Normi yg tgh mengulit baby baru,
hoihhhh dah buleh masuk blog mike balik yek Normi? legaaaa...selamat tahun baru, reso Normi tahun ni haruslah utk mengecikkan sikit size body lepas bersalin, dak gitew???
Yong Kamariah said…
Adinda Jeet yg adventurous,
hohoho sampai ati ko ckp very the 90's yerkkk hohoho.. reso mak-mak org cengginilah ropanya dek non ngehngeh...happy new year to u 2 dear, moga impian nak ke NY city tercapai tahun ni yerkkk!

Olaaaaaaa muchacha senorita Aida....
hoihhhh lamanya mung hilang dr blogger yerkkkk...ala, jgn le reso kurang berckp, nti kita termiss lah celoteh2 citer kt espanola tuuuu...
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
happy new year kak yong... gambar bila tu... kalau gambar baru...jujur kata... lawo larrr...

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