Today is the day!
Sib baik ternampak lilypie kata Today is the day kt counting sticker anak bujang mak. Betul2 terlupa dak Ammar is 10 today! Alohlohloh anak mak dah besau! Sian dia, mak dia dah lupa plak kt besday dia ari ni, apa nak bueks Ammar, dah 2-3 tahun besday kamu jatuh bulan pose. Nanti esok mak masak nasik ayam. Eh, tu je ke mak? Dah tu...oklah tu, favorite kamu tu. Tu je termampu mak kau buat setakat ni, le maklum dah tak handy cam dulu. Nanti tengok le camne nak, mak order kek 13 tingkat kerrrr.
Anyway, happy 10th birthday darling! You've become wiser than before,
you've refused to sit a the back of the carseat anymore,
you want to be a buddy to your dad by sitting next to him while he's driving,
you've already knew that I only threatened you with countless number of white lies just to scare you a bit by saying, 'ummi jangan tipu...',
though you are a bit jealous of your younger sister but you love her to death and would protect her this I know....
you'll become a great brother this I know,
and you'll forever be my special baby boy inside my heart and remember the unconditional love that I have for you til the last breath of my life...
Anyway, happy 10th birthday darling! You've become wiser than before,
you've refused to sit a the back of the carseat anymore,
you want to be a buddy to your dad by sitting next to him while he's driving,
you've already knew that I only threatened you with countless number of white lies just to scare you a bit by saying, 'ummi jangan tipu...',
though you are a bit jealous of your younger sister but you love her to death and would protect her this I know....
you'll become a great brother this I know,
and you'll forever be my special baby boy inside my heart and remember the unconditional love that I have for you til the last breath of my life...

Yong, here is the recipe for Baked corn caramel pudding.
4 biji jagung dihiris dan di blend.
6 biji telur.
1 tin susu ideal
i tin air
1 kotak cream president
Lightly beat altogether and bake. letak kan bekas puding dlm tray yang berisi air bake for about one 45mins to hour.
cuba ok!
Jangan lupa aksi tiup lilin tau, sini tepek juga!
Err omaknyer, nnti kasi tepek kek 13 tingkat tu yea.. Hehehe
Tq sis for sharing the recipe...erkkkk cream president tu cemana gopanya? guna teknik water bath yek? tp dah terbayang kelemakan sodapnya tu...insyaAllah, bebila free akan cuba, tq again yah!
Tq, hehehehe, dah lama dia bersabo ngan omaknya tuh! aiseyman, aksi tiup lilin tatau la bila, tunggu raya la kot horrrr....
TQ. Aiseymennnn... kek 13 tingkat dlm mimpi je tu! Dak pun tunggu majlis resepsi kawin Ammar nti, boleh belah ngan pedang terus! ngeh ngeh ngeh...