Of my job and outdated stories

HELLO THERE! In case you've been wondering where's the heck kak Bap been hiding - alhamdulillah I'm still alive yowl! Cuma terasa masa macam peluru nowadays, tak tercatch-up dahhh rasanya, blink2 the eyes dah sampai hari Jumaat penuh barokah balik haiiilahh...so apa lah yg akak Bap been doing these past 1 week yerk... Of my job... Our company, errr our newly 'reborn' company currently has launched a program towards ISO certification, it's not that we didn't implement ISO all this while but you see, as a newly 'reborn' we've got to start everything from the scratch...errr not lah everything.... luckily we just have to adjust or make some amendments to our SOP/QPs whatsever this and there.....ehhh tetiba ayat skema ilmiah uols...kang set2 mak2 org menguap je baca ni kang. Maka... kehidupan sebagai stok2 org yang tak disukai pun bermula... fuihhhhh sampai 2014 ko! byk pahala dpt tu. Plak tu baru lepas dgn gigihnya kena review and make a ...