Unto the beach

Our kinders are situated nearby the beach. Strategically enough for me to mix between business n leisure haha... After puan pengerusi terlelap pay a visit, she brought the kids to d beach sambil mkn ais kacang n mee kari nyum nyum... Oh btw that was me (kelihatan sgt tua dan gemuk haiya kena diet kawkaw lepas nih) - checking d teachers' lesson plan (first time ever huhuhu)... Alhamdulillah, we have nearly 80 stds so far, not bad for 2 yrs operation eh? It is not an easy ride though... Anyway, aku tak reti guna blog app kot ipad nih tang mana nak arrange gambo nya, nak boh captionnya tahh...nasib lahhh... Best part boley update at anytime convenient sbb tak yah guna cable bagai. Sbg cth i'm updating this entry in a car while on d way to Perak, n ofcros after Aly finally fell asleep. But gambo pakai ipad mmg menangislah qualitynya tew... Sib baik ada instagram. Last but not the least, if you come to Black Stone Beach, don't forget to try a burger at this one special bu...